Monday, June 26, 2006

The Cycle Continues

Life is extreamly fleeting. You could be fine one minute and 6' under the next, but hey, we'll come back as something else anyway, right? It's just so fucked up, I sometimes wish there wasn't this rencarnation thing just so we didn't have to live through this fiasco over and over again. What's the point of life, we get born, we get older, we get frailer, we die, a never ending cycle of pain and misery that never stops...ever. There are very few things in life that make me truely happy but living just happens to be one of them, and the living of those who I love. I haven't ever bought into the whole "Buddhist Nirvana" thing, it's all a load of tripe, it's just like "Heaven and Hell", no-one and nothing has the right to judge me on wether i lived a virtuous life or not, nor do I need "enlightenment". I would thank you not to make any "But aren't you God?" remarks, thank you.


By His Own Design said...

you laugh until you cry, and cry until you laugh.

in buddhism no-one is judging you. there is merely the consequences of your actions.

Dr Gavin Mango said...

yes, but the is the illusionment that "enlightenment" will free you from suffering, there is no release from this existance :(

Ais said...

I'm sorry about what happened :( It'll be okay though, and I'll give you a huge hug when I see you. But for now, all I can do is *hugs*

By His Own Design said...

"enlightenment" is simpley the realisation that all suffering is self imposed, in one way or another, or at least thats how i see it.

Harihollyhamishonishonshon said...

yeah, but you wouldn't know, really, not being enlightened and such.

Dr Gavin Mango said...

*sigh* i'm not turning this post into an argument, let's just leave it please

Harihollyhamishonishonshon said...

avoiding an argument? how unlike you....

Dr Gavin Mango said...

lol, i'm gonna stab you up...¬_¬, in a non-argumentative fashsion