School is done, summer is here, most of us are happy. Celebrate for we are stepping out into the "Big Scary World" where we will make our fortunes, make life changing decisions, and start this crazy mess all over again...mabye. I know not of your hopes and dreams yet I can tell they'll get you into as much trouble as you expect them to and fear not, we're all going to meet in Hell so no point crying over the "goodbyes".
Now for something unexpected and personal (which I hope to make a regular segment). As this is my last post of May I will give a brief summary, I started my blog, I challenged a friend's story (sorry Al), I got depressed a lot, got angry at numerous people, made plans to move out near the end of the year, ranted sooo much (again I apologise), hated technology (for a short time), and realised vodka is pure evil in a bottle. More next month, later y'all.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Down A Peg Or Eight
A friend has pointed out that my blog has become preachy of late. This blog has no doubt annoyed some people and for that I apologise, but these thing have to be said. We can't carry on looking the other way when something turns nasty, some problems have to be delt with head fact, don't bother your backsides, everything smoothes over in the end right?
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Rent-A-Judas: 555 LYINGSHIT
Just to add to what I said about lying in general, it is a despicable act to pretend to like someone, in either friendship or something more serious. Even being extreamly nasty to someone, though harsh, is better than a fake friendship. Random people of this world whom it concerns, you know who you are and so do I, get that through your thick skulls!!!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
I Like The Cut Of Your "Fib"
Lying isn't always bad, is it? We tell lies everyday,
"Did you eat that bus, Timmy?
No Mum, I'm diabetic."
Some are stupid, some are serious and some are needed. But becoming lost in them can be an easy thing to do, and decieving people for personal gain is just uncalled for. I tell lies all the time, but only the "stupid" ones, like I'm a nice guy or something...
"Did you eat that bus, Timmy?
No Mum, I'm diabetic."
Some are stupid, some are serious and some are needed. But becoming lost in them can be an easy thing to do, and decieving people for personal gain is just uncalled for. I tell lies all the time, but only the "stupid" ones, like I'm a nice guy or something...
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Bring Back The Wheel, It Didn't Need A Fucking "On" Switch
Stupid fucking technology. It gets better to make our lives easier yet it carries on screwing us over until we make it better again. Don't get me wrong, I love all the gadgets and gizmos that I posses but when they start acting up it pisses me off, for example, MSN, which has taken it upon itself to fuck about with numerous people in different ways, is high on my "list". Computers make time for us, not the other way around dammit.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
When The Wit Went AWOL
Certain people's sense of humour is hard to appreciate. I understand that everyone is different but sometimes jokes are just uncalled for, for instance, after a family grievance or a difficult break-up. You end up with one of those awkward silences that can either be filled with someone being cracked or a string of nervous coughs and very little eye contact. Don't get me wrong, I've told a few myself and I'm very ashamed, but when it comes down to it, the mouth should be kept shut just in case the regretable should be uttered.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Insane Is Just Another Word For Happy
Most of you must think by now I'm a little screwed in the head, hey, so do I. I've just never been good at the whole "express yourself" thing, and don't intend on learning...anytime soon. But I look at it like this, unless I think you can help me with the problem I currently have, you don't need to know. Some would disagree and I respect that but I don't see how telling your problems to someone who obviosly doesn't care is going to help.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Doubt, Doubt Everywhere But Not A Drop To Spare
It's worse than hate, anger and depression rolled into one, with a side order of self-pity. In fact, it probably is all those things. It eats away at you, mabye not constantly, but over time it really makes itself known. You could feel fine one minute and down the next. A few people I know are like this, including me though I tend not to let on, so I understand how it can be so emotionally debiliating. This is probably one of the only posts that has portryed how I'm feeling at the time of posting but hey, there's always light at the end of the tunnel...wait, that's FIIIIIIRRRRRE!!!!!
Friday, May 19, 2006
Hell Hath No Fury
Just don't piss them off, they will break you, not just physically. I'm not just talking about the women in your lives, but any, they have Satan on there side, I know that 'cause I talk to her. Sorry gentlemen, but God is on vacation to your pleas and prayers until you sort out your own messes. Most of you should know all this anyway...right?
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Standing To Attention...You Know What I Mean
An interesting point came up tonight, do all men mentally undress women they like? Just a thought, cause I have to say, I don' gay jokes ya 'tards. I'm just a little lazy in the head, which you should know by now. I suppose it would depend how horny you are, though for a guy that ain't far from our minds, am I right? Yes, I am. Can't really comment on how a female mind works, I would guess much the same, though they don't let on. (I can just imagine the beating I'm going to get for this post, I could always skip country...) Anyway, just felt like chatting 'cause I'm in a "good" mood.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Fear And Loathing In Your Own Head
Paranoia is a terrible thing. It makes you do stupid things that you end up regretting, then you do further stupid things to right the wrong. It's a slippery slope, one which most of us slide down on a regular basis, yes, even me. But I have no smart-ass solution for it, as I most often do, just learn to deal with it I suppose. (God, I need a drink.)
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The Day Time Stood Still...But Only Because The Bus Was Late
Time seems to move really slowly when you have nothing to do, yet when you're doing something you like, it moves faster than a buttered bullet. My theory is this, time was a concept created to drive the lazy, unimaginative people of this world insane, and the energetic, fun-loving types paranoid. People getting so bored they do anything for kicks and others using scedules for everything they do so they don't miss a minute. The rest of us, who don't really give a damn, watch as the world falls down around our ears 'cause the insane and paranoid turn out to be running the show and don't know which way to run. Oh well, just another day in paradise...
Monday, May 15, 2006
Do You Read "The Sun"?
What I'm asking is, do you believe everything you are told? I bet you do, mabye not everything, I hear you say, but most. Anything that sounds like juicey gossip and you're all over it like butter on toast, even if it doesn't concern you. This post may offend people when they read it and i'm glad, it means that you are one of these people and your admitting to your problem. Get a life, there's tons of hobbies out there for you to enjoy, so leave what everyone else gets up to them and deal with your own fucked-up lives. I am sorry for you people that don't, in fact, like butter on your toast.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
That's It, Now It's Impersonal
I've read a lot of other blogs and I,ve noticed that you talk about things that have actually happened to you. I apologise if my blog is a little impersonal but, meh, it's mine and you have to live with it...not literally. Most of the stuff in this blog touches on matters that I feel something needs to be said about, and not by you "la-de-da, always has a smart-ass come-back" intelligent types, you know who you are. I may, in the near future, blog something about me but until then keep waiting...
Friday, May 12, 2006
And I Have Super Powers
Your Superhero Profile |
![]() Your Superpower is Nanotechnology Your Weakness is Jealousy Your Weapon is Your Glue Arrows Your Mode of Transportation is Pony |
Oh, By The Way, I'm Evil
You Are 64% Evil |
![]() |
How'>">How Evil Are You?
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Life Through A Beer Glass
Being drunk's great, you can't argue with me on that point. You seem to think you understand the world better, that you can express youself better, and that everyone's attracted to you...well some of us, not me though, honest. But at the same time everything seems numb, even your hearing phases in and out (in some cases, your brain), and you feel like you're in a dream of sorts. God that's cool. But remember these words which i got from a friend "Even when drunk, the words "Don't hit on my boy/girlfriend" means the same." -Jennifer Stirling
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Do The Quiz...Dooo It
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
9. Do you have a crush on me?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Would you hug me?
12. Physically, what stands out?
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
14. Do you wish I was cooler?
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
17. Am I loveable?
18. How long have you known me?
19. Describe me in one word.
20. What was your first impression?
21. Do you still think that way about me now?
22. What do you think my weakness is?
23. Do you think I'll get married?
24. What makes me happy?
25. What makes me sad?
26. What reminds you of me?
27. If you could give me anything what would it be?
28. How well do you know me?
29. When's the last time you saw me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I could kill someone?
32. Do you miss me?
33. Do you think i miss you?
34. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. How have I affected you?
5. What do you think of me?
6. What's the fondest memory you have of me?
7. How long do you think we will be friends?
8. Do you love me?
9. Do you have a crush on me?
10. Would you kiss me?
11. Would you hug me?
12. Physically, what stands out?
13. Emotionally, what stands out?
14. Do you wish I was cooler?
15. On a scale of 1-10, how hot am I?
16. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
17. Am I loveable?
18. How long have you known me?
19. Describe me in one word.
20. What was your first impression?
21. Do you still think that way about me now?
22. What do you think my weakness is?
23. Do you think I'll get married?
24. What makes me happy?
25. What makes me sad?
26. What reminds you of me?
27. If you could give me anything what would it be?
28. How well do you know me?
29. When's the last time you saw me?
30. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
31. Do you think I could kill someone?
32. Do you miss me?
33. Do you think i miss you?
34. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
What I'm Really Like
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
personality/'>">personality tests by
Making Money And Moving Out
Admit it, there's been a few points in your life when you've felt like a Sim, hasn't there? For most of the people that read this blog they are going to leave school for good at the end of this year and venture out into the big scary world. Dammit, I'm one of them...oh well, looks like I have to find a job, make money, move out of "Mom's", get a flat, make friends, go to the toilet when I need to...all that jazz. And so will you, but come up with a clever plan, like some people, and you will find yourself on "Easy Street".
Monday, May 08, 2006
They Feed Us, Clothe Us, Comfort Us...So Why Do They Have To Nag?
You guessed it folks, I'm talking about the wonderful inventions called parents and guardians. Life throws enough hardships at us without them on our back telling us what to do all the time, don't you agree? Exams, for instance, you may (or may not) study your ass off for them and yet they expect more. Sure they say they just want you to get the best you can get, but a little encouragment would also go a long way. Don't settle for the nagging and lectures, switch off and phase them out until they go away, then go ask what's for dinner ten minutes later, that works a treat.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
A Dry Hand To A Drowning Man
If you see a friend in need of help, do you just walk on? Would you help if you didn't actually like the person? Well..., I don't actually care what your answer is 'cause you should help the people you know no matter what the case is. But if you have nothing nice to say or do, keep it shut or I'll make it shut for ya. Thanks, and remember these words 'cause it's most likely I could kick your ass.
Are You Sitting Comfertably, Well Tough, We're Going For A Jog
It pisses me of how many health-freaks are out there, I mean who seriously needs exercise? Not me, most probably not you either, so someone please explain to me the importance of exercise.
"Why exercise? If you're healthy, you don't need it and if you're sick, you shouldn't do it" -Henry Ford
Listen to the man, you know he makes sense.
"Why exercise? If you're healthy, you don't need it and if you're sick, you shouldn't do it" -Henry Ford
Listen to the man, you know he makes sense.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
For Whom It Does Not Concern
I have very many different thoughts and feelings about very different people, for those whom it may concern, please visit "i'",
for those it doesn't concern, have a look anyway, you might just learn something.
for those it doesn't concern, have a look anyway, you might just learn something.
"Snow Day" The Real Story
Some of you may have read the epic "Snow Day" adventure on another certain blog, but it only told the story from a mortal's eyes, here's what really happened...
G woke one morning to find the land covered in frosty white snow, much to his disbelief. He wasn't up ten minutes before he was out the door and out into the frostbitten landscape. He waded through the snow, up the Hill, to gather troops for the long journey ahead and so ventured to E's lodging. E willingly followed G to the frozen plains of Botanica where a fierce battle was taking place between the Hillheeds and the barbarians from the north. The battle was long and there were defects to and from either sides, though G and E stayed true to there clan. During the fight, G was blinded by a ball of searing pain and then ambushed, but all was not lost as he fought back with ferocious might...and ran away, to plan his next attack.The fighting soon ended after that though and all was well, G went back to E's lodge for a celebratary feast.
G and E parted ways however, and G was sent to gather yet more troops. He ventured further over the Hill to the hostile, yet familiar, dwelling of A. There he met OO, and they both went to fetch A together. A joined the team and they all made their way back to Botanica where the effects of war were clear. There they found a relic of the old war, a giant ice platform. Instantly G proclaimed himself "God of Snow and Ice" but his followers, A and OO, became jealous. They tried to overthrow the new "God" but to no avail. But then more mortals arrived, M,N,L and R, and they joined in the fight for power. There final tactic was to destroy the ice platform itself but it was too tough for there mortal "might". Then E returned and he betrayed G by formulating a plan to move the platform and force G to fall. This tactic was successful, but no sooner had the "Snow God" fallen, the mortals fought to take his place. G stared as they competed with each other for the power they couldn't have possibly controlled. In the end, though, the platform was left to be consumed by the ages and E parted ways with G and the others for good. The party went for supplies at the Mor-e-Sons market where they stocked up for the journey ahead.
A lead us to a place where the snow was still untouched by the brutality of war, and we set up camp. G found the remains of an old snow fort which he suggested could be used for...well, a fort. A took this as a declaration of war and split the band into teams, on G's side was N and R, and on A's side was M,L and OO. The building of the fort was a task but with N and R's help (and some stolen ideas) it was done in no time. In the first round my snow mascot, Timmy, was mecilessly cut down and so G destroyed there's, whatever it's name was. The fist round went to G's team due to mightier firepower. The second also went to G's team, and it won them the war but at a great cost, Timmy, G's fortress, and A's sanity. G secured a hostage and the remaining supplies which snapped A out of his delusionment, thereafter they drank together in friendship. Then L fell to the frostbite and A went insane again so G ended there lives mercifully. He then dissappeared into the night, never to be seen again...
G woke one morning to find the land covered in frosty white snow, much to his disbelief. He wasn't up ten minutes before he was out the door and out into the frostbitten landscape. He waded through the snow, up the Hill, to gather troops for the long journey ahead and so ventured to E's lodging. E willingly followed G to the frozen plains of Botanica where a fierce battle was taking place between the Hillheeds and the barbarians from the north. The battle was long and there were defects to and from either sides, though G and E stayed true to there clan. During the fight, G was blinded by a ball of searing pain and then ambushed, but all was not lost as he fought back with ferocious might...and ran away, to plan his next attack.The fighting soon ended after that though and all was well, G went back to E's lodge for a celebratary feast.
G and E parted ways however, and G was sent to gather yet more troops. He ventured further over the Hill to the hostile, yet familiar, dwelling of A. There he met OO, and they both went to fetch A together. A joined the team and they all made their way back to Botanica where the effects of war were clear. There they found a relic of the old war, a giant ice platform. Instantly G proclaimed himself "God of Snow and Ice" but his followers, A and OO, became jealous. They tried to overthrow the new "God" but to no avail. But then more mortals arrived, M,N,L and R, and they joined in the fight for power. There final tactic was to destroy the ice platform itself but it was too tough for there mortal "might". Then E returned and he betrayed G by formulating a plan to move the platform and force G to fall. This tactic was successful, but no sooner had the "Snow God" fallen, the mortals fought to take his place. G stared as they competed with each other for the power they couldn't have possibly controlled. In the end, though, the platform was left to be consumed by the ages and E parted ways with G and the others for good. The party went for supplies at the Mor-e-Sons market where they stocked up for the journey ahead.
A lead us to a place where the snow was still untouched by the brutality of war, and we set up camp. G found the remains of an old snow fort which he suggested could be used for...well, a fort. A took this as a declaration of war and split the band into teams, on G's side was N and R, and on A's side was M,L and OO. The building of the fort was a task but with N and R's help (and some stolen ideas) it was done in no time. In the first round my snow mascot, Timmy, was mecilessly cut down and so G destroyed there's, whatever it's name was. The fist round went to G's team due to mightier firepower. The second also went to G's team, and it won them the war but at a great cost, Timmy, G's fortress, and A's sanity. G secured a hostage and the remaining supplies which snapped A out of his delusionment, thereafter they drank together in friendship. Then L fell to the frostbite and A went insane again so G ended there lives mercifully. He then dissappeared into the night, never to be seen again...
That's right folks, Hell froze over
Hey I'm Gavin, as some of you may know (and would rather forget). Just starting a blog to "join the crowd" so to speak. Mostly cause I come up with witty stuff while no-one's around, but also to get stuff off my chest that's getting me down (that's very rare though). The name of this blog is a mystery to me, I just thought it sounded good at the time. I may not post often but I hope you enjoy what I do.
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Blog Archive
- On A Brighter Note...
- Down A Peg Or Eight
- Rent-A-Judas: 555 LYINGSHIT
- I Like The Cut Of Your "Fib"
- Bring Back The Wheel, It Didn't Need A Fucking "On...
- When The Wit Went AWOL
- Insane Is Just Another Word For Happy
- Doubt, Doubt Everywhere But Not A Drop To Spare
- Hell Hath No Fury
- Standing To Attention...You Know What I Mean
- Fear And Loathing In Your Own Head
- The Day Time Stood Still...But Only Because The Bu...
- Do You Read "The Sun"?
- That's It, Now It's Impersonal
- And I Have Super Powers
- Oh, By The Way, I'm Evil
- Life Through A Beer Glass
- Do The Quiz...Dooo It
- What I'm Really Like
- Making Money And Moving Out
- They Feed Us, Clothe Us, Comfort Us...So Why Do Th...
- A Dry Hand To A Drowning Man
- Are You Sitting Comfertably, Well Tough, We're Goi...
- For Whom It Does Not Concern
- "Snow Day" The Real Story
- That's right folks, Hell froze over