Sunday, May 14, 2006

That's It, Now It's Impersonal

I've read a lot of other blogs and I,ve noticed that you talk about things that have actually happened to you. I apologise if my blog is a little impersonal but, meh, it's mine and you have to live with it...not literally. Most of the stuff in this blog touches on matters that I feel something needs to be said about, and not by you "la-de-da, always has a smart-ass come-back" intelligent types, you know who you are. I may, in the near future, blog something about me but until then keep waiting...


By His Own Design said...

*acts shiftly*
*tries to pretend he's NOT talking about me*

Harihollyhamishonishonshon said...

he's talking about me too, admittedly the comback is something along the lines of 'yeah, but you have a fudge horse'......damn you, surealism
and gavin,i damn you TO surealism for all eternity

ReoKata said...

...My blog is pretty much a string of people telling me to post, thus forceing me to write somthing.

so not all blogs need to be personal, but hay~ what do I know.

Helvetica said...

Yay for me.