Monday, May 08, 2006

They Feed Us, Clothe Us, Comfort Us...So Why Do They Have To Nag?

You guessed it folks, I'm talking about the wonderful inventions called parents and guardians. Life throws enough hardships at us without them on our back telling us what to do all the time, don't you agree? Exams, for instance, you may (or may not) study your ass off for them and yet they expect more. Sure they say they just want you to get the best you can get, but a little encouragment would also go a long way. Don't settle for the nagging and lectures, switch off and phase them out until they go away, then go ask what's for dinner ten minutes later, that works a treat.

1 comment:

Dave-Ed said...

I would do that, but it would be akin to commiting suicide...

I would most likely be told I ain't getting any dinner until I have done at least 5 hours revision!

Oh well. I get small rewards, like free time, if I do enough revision. And I really would do it anyway... so freebees for doing what I would do anyway!