Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Down A Peg Or Eight

A friend has pointed out that my blog has become preachy of late. This blog has no doubt annoyed some people and for that I apologise, but these thing have to be said. We can't carry on looking the other way when something turns nasty, some problems have to be delt with head on...in fact, don't bother your backsides, everything smoothes over in the end right?


Inmate 4 said...

Maybe some things should be dealt with, but I think he's saying that you're categorising and simplifying everything, i.e. Lying is bad, regardless of reason. I'm not going to go into this and put forward my own views, because the whole thing can be likened to a can of worms, but basically to simplify and generalise is just as bad as looking the other way sometimes.
An example of this is the idea that abstinence works and all sex education encourages promiscuity, making the generalisation that once a promise is made it will be kept because it's a promise, even if it's made by a hormonal adolescent who, statistically, is more likely to change their mind and break the promise within a year than they are to keep it.

Okay, that's probably a bad analogy, but I've just read three articles in a row on the subject and it's kinda stuck in my mind...

Inmate 4 said...

Likewise, the theory that 'so-and-so pretended to like so-and-so out of malicious intent' is only one way of looking at a subject that has many, many sides to it.

Dr Gavin Mango said...

cool, fair enough :D, curse God and his one track mind :P

Dr Gavin Mango said...

In fact i said that some lying was needed, but I frown upon deceit. I appreciat what you are saying and I don't want to start an argument I will soooo lose, not with you anyway, Satan dear :P